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Julian Assange Extradition Hearing: May 20th

Live updates from the Royal Courts of Justice

London, May 17, 2024 - WEB Gabriel Shipton, brother of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, has stated that he had prior knowledge of his brother's impending release.

On Wednesday evening, Assange arrived in Australia after being released from an American court due to an agreement with US authorities. Following his arrival, Assange faced a possible 175-year prison sentence.

The UK High Court will decide on May 20th whether Assange will be extradited to the United States. His legal team will present their concluding arguments in the final UK legal challenge to prevent his extradition.

A protracted battle

Over the years, Assange has endeavored to avert extradition to the US, where he is wanted for alleged offenses related to WikiLeaks' publication of classified information. The legal proceedings have been protracted and contentious, drawing global attention to issues of press freedom and government transparency.


The May 20th extradition hearing represents a critical juncture in Assange's legal battle. The outcome will profoundly impact his future and the broader implications for freedom of the press and whistleblower protection. The world eagerly awaits the verdict, which will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on the annals of justice and free speech.
